European Enterprise Awards 2020

ST Powder Coatingds S.p.A.

ST Powder Coatingds S.p.A. is one of the 2020 winners of European Enterprise Awards at EU Business News.

Medal Trophy Cloud Cloud
About ST Powder Coatingds S.p.A.

Best Powder Coatings Manufacturer 2020 & Distinction Award for Excellence in Business Growth 2020

<p>St Powder Coatings is an international and innovative company that produces a wide range of products and services related to the world of powder coatings.</p> <p>The offered products range from powder coatings in epoxy, epoxy-polyester, polyester, polyurethane and silicone systems, to complementary products such as customizable spray paints and colour charts.</p> <p>Established in 2004, the Group has gradually developed and is now present with its own sales network across the European Union.</p> <p>Headquartered in Montecchio Maggiore (Italy), the ST Powder Coatings Group can boast of two production sites and a distribution network in 20 countries of the European Union.</p> <p></p> <p></p>
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