German Business Awards 2023

Dc Smarter Brand Of Facit Fixit Gmbh

Dc Smarter Brand Of Facit Fixit Gmbh is one of the 2023 winners of German Business Awards at EU Business News.

Medal Trophy Cloud Cloud
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About Dc Smarter Brand Of Facit Fixit Gmbh

Data Centre Management Enterprise of the Year 2023

<p>DC Smarter provides highly skilled data center field engineering services, augmented by Mixed Reality Technology.</p> <p>We aim to be the eyes and ears in your data center, delivering superior customer service, protecting the quality of the environment, and encouraging innovation and creativity.</p> <p>The DC Vision® software they developed is based on the concept of the digital twin and uses AR glasses, smartphones, or tablets to optimise the maintenance and care of the IT infrastructure in data centers.</p>
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