12th January 2023

Why You Need A Good Solicitor For Your Business

A solicitor is a legal practitioner that can create wills, handle various legal matters, handle conveyancing, represent clients in court, etc. Solicitors are essentially a type of lawyer. Now, once you have a business, then you need to have a good solicitor.

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Why You Need A Good Solicitor For Your Business

A solicitor is a legal practitioner that can create wills, handle various legal matters, handle conveyancing, represent clients in court, etc. Solicitors are essentially a type of lawyer. Now, once you have a business, then you need to have a good solicitor. This is essential so that you can avoid breaking the law, protect against legal issues and penalties, ensure your business runs smoothly, etc. So, we will now take a much deeper look into why you need a good solicitor.

1. Protect your business from lawsuits

When you have a solicitor, they can help prevent lawsuits from happening. You should avoid waiting to get into legal trouble before hiring a solicitor, since it may be too late. Now, having a solicitor will help lower the charges but this doesn’t mean that they will be able to prevent you from facing all legal consequences. It is best to take a proactive legal approach with your business to prevent as many legal issues from ever happening.

2. Reduces damages from lawsuits

If you’ve already been served a lawsuit, then a good solicitor can help to reduce the number of damages that you’ll face due to it. With that said, for your solicitor to do the best job possible, you need to be completely honest with them. This is necessary so that they can take the correct legal action to get the best possible result for you and your business.

3. Compliance with EU and National laws

There are many differences between EU and national laws and these need to be paid attention to when running a business. For example, if you intend on doing business across various EU countries, then there are different laws that you need to adhere to. There are many different national and EU laws and they can be quite confusing if you’re not a qualified legal practitioner. So, it is highly recommended that you have a solicitor to help ensure that your business is fully compliant with all laws.

4. Compliance with environmental regulations

It is no secret that the environment is becoming more protected and as a result, there are now many environmental laws and regulations that impact all businesses. If your business does not comply with these regulations, then you will have to face many stiff penalties and lawsuits. So, having a solicitor is essential to protect your business against these types of violations.

5. Drafting contracts

While operating a business, you will need to draft multiple contracts. For example, you may need to draft contracts with your suppliers, employees, clients, etc. However, when you draft contracts, you must have a solicitor to oversee and approve these contracts before they are signed. You may be tempted to do the contract on your own but this will likely cause many problems since you would not know all the loopholes that need to be avoided. Hiring a good solicitor to help draft your contracts or at least look over them before they are signed is essential to prevent legal problems in the future.

6. Problems with employees

Unfortunately, once you have a business with employees, you will eventually have to deal with various workplace problems. However, once you have a qualified solicitor, then they can prevent many of these issues from occurring or quickly deal with and resolve these problems. A solicitor would be responsible for drafting agreements with contractors and employees, handling compensation, handling the hiring and firing process, etc. A solicitor will go a long way in protecting your business and reducing the risk of lawsuits from employees.

7. Restructuring your business

When it comes to restructuring your business, there are numerous things you’ll need to deal with such as tax issues, particular expenses, liabilities, employees, and more. It is extremely difficult to deal with these things on your own without proper legal knowledge. Unfortunately, this can cause many legal problems over time. So, once you intend on restructuring your business, you need to have a professional solicitor to assist.

8. Applications for patents

As a business, you will likely create new products and services. These will need to be protected with patents. Unfortunately, getting a patent is a complicated and time-consuming process. It is also very difficult to get one approved if you don’t have professional legal assistance.

9. Business incorporation

Incorporating a business is quite complicated and a solicitor can help you to handle this process. Most people don’t understand all the details of business incorporation but a good solicitor will know what needs to be done.

10. Claims

If someone files a claim against your company, you will also likely not know what to do. If this happens, a solicitor will be able to help. They will know exactly what to do, explain the claim to you, and get it resolved quickly and efficiently.


We have just looked at the ten top reasons why you need a good solicitor for your business. So, if you’re on the fence about hiring a solicitor, then you should now be able to understand why you need one.

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