Scandinavian Business Awards 2024

9. Best Software Testing & Consulting Firm 2024 - Sweden borders as seamlessly as Xplorafory’s service suite does, and Jonas and his team remain committed to staying abreast of them all. However, when it comes to Sweden specifically, one element of note is the willingness of individuals to invest both their time and money into their education and development. Aside from this, other trends such as AI and the increase in remote working positions continue to impact Scandinavia just as they do the rest of the world. “By staying actively engaged with the community and continuously updating our knowledge and methods, we not only keep pace with industry trends but also help shape them. Our innovative approach to software testing education sets us apart and positions us as leaders in the field.” Being based in Sweden brings with it a host of other benefits, with these largely stemming from the sheer amount of large and international companies that utilise leading technology in this sphere, resulting in a dynamic, innovative, and forward-thinking business environment right across the country. Xplorafory’s home base of Gothenburg is also at the epicentre of research and development, making it an incredibly exciting place from which to operate. This is an ethos that is shared by Jonas’ team members, Fredrik and Mathilda, who work in software testing consultancy and marketing respectively. Ensuring that this team, as well as the external firm that handle the company’s finances, remain on the same wavelength is key, and achieved through the ongoing and continuous emphasis of the company vision and values discussed earlier. Other initiatives see regular PPF (personal, professional, and financial) meetings held, which discuss goals over a one-, three-, and fiveyear period. The looking ahead to the future that is carried out in these sessions is another element of Xplorafory’s focus, and it always keeps an eye on what is next both for the firm itself and the wider industry. Explaining the firm’s upcoming plans in more detail, Jonas tells us that attention is currently on developing the smartphone app for the online courses mentioned earlier, as well as increasing the reach of its coaching services and exploring AI, with one possibility involving Jonas creating an AI version of himself for teaching purposes. Jonas explains, “overall, I am optimistic about the future and excited about the new initiatives we have planned. We are committed to continuous improvement and innovation, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of the industry and provide exceptional value to our clients.” Then, in closing, Jonas humbly shares, “thank you for the opportunity to share our story. We are excited about the future and look forward to continuing to make a positive impact in the software testing and consulting industry.” A firm that is committed to offering remarkable customised training programmes that solve the unique needs and challenges of clients, Xplorafory leverages an approach that sees it enhanced and improved constantly, be it through integrating AI, developing innovative new coaching services, or pioneering exemplary exploratory testing solutions. Recognised as the Best Software Testing & Consulting Firm 2024 – Sweden, this award stands as a testament to both Xplorafory Test’s team and its exceptional service portfolio.