Scandinavian Business Awards 2024

7. members, schoolchildren, and others planting the last trees by hand, following with light food, cake, and cool drinks. Additionally, Growing Trees Network arranges corporate volunteering events where it challenges employees to plant as many trees as possible within a given timeframe. These types of events are a perfect and unique method of team building that Kim believes brings people closer to the benefits of nature. “It is our mission to be the most trustworthy and professional tree planting organisation, and to make it as easy and secure as possible for everybody to support afforestation projects in Denmark and abroad,” says Kim. “We want to provide sponsors with that feeling of making a difference and taking responsibility.” Since its inception in 2013, Growing Trees Network has planted 3.7 million trees worldwide, achieving the establishment of more than 160 new forests in Denmark, as well as having carried out over 60 afforestation projects in Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Bolivia, and Ecuador. All afforestation projects in Denmark are granted permanent statute, securing sponsors longevity in their donations. Not only that, but the organisation is extremely capable at attracting media attention for its sponsors and afforestation projects, helping to drive value for sponsors. In 2019, Growing Network Trees became a partner in the first ever televised charity show for the climate, called Denmark Plant Trees. The show was hosted by the Danish national broadcasting channel TV2 in collaboration with The Danish Society for Nature Conservation and resulted in funding for 47 new forests around Denmark, project managed by Growing Network Trees. The event went worldwide via international news agencies and was referred to as the first telethon for climate aid in the world. Drawing attention to climate change and its development is a brilliant method of garnering interest in sustainability. In fact, Kim tells us that the impacts of climate change becoming indisputably obvious over the last five years has driven the market of companies and private citizens wanting to donate trees and lesson their own impact. “So far, a majority of our company sponsors have voluntarily donated trees because they want to make a difference to the environment and strengthen their public sustainable profile,” he explains. Until now, 90-95% of Growing Trees Network’s sponsors are companies facing ESG and CSRD requirements being introduced in the coming years by the EU. But moving forward, Kim predicts that the market will be increasingly driven by the voluntary carbon market, where the demand for carbon credits based on afforestation projects is expected to rise significantly. “Third party certification is the key to issuing credible carbon credits,” he says, “and we are currently looking to find the right partner to offer our sponsors carbon credits based on the afforestation projects they donate trees for. This is expected to be in place this autumn.” In terms of the future, Growing Trees Network will be focusing on developing both existing and coming opportunities with its current corporation partners, though Kim tells us that the most important strategic decision of the year-end is finding the right partner to ensure third party validation of carbon credits. This will allow the organisation to offer its sponsors the opportunity to get carbon credits based on the actual forest that is receiving their donation of trees. This will however depend on whether the Danish government ends up introducing a grant to landowners for establishing new forests and at the same time subsidizing them for loss of the value of their land as suggested, the market for carbon credits based on afforestation in Denmark is dead! The basic and most important argument of additionality underlying the voluntary carbon market will no longer be valid. As for the future of afforestation, the emphasis on sustainability being driven by the upcoming EU legislation on ESG and CRSD reporting is pushing the demand for sustainable solutions. Especially in Denmark, with the additional 2030 forest coverage targets emphasising a demand for afforestation projects being implemented, Growing Trees Network will be seeing an increase in public interest. Conclusively, Growing Trees Network is comprised of a small team working hard to make momentous changes in the world. Displaying an unwavering commitment to sustainability, the organisation has allowed its sponsors the space to consider their impact on the environment, giving them the opportunity to make positive contributions. It is for this dedication to combating climate change that Growing Trees Network has been recognised as delivering the Most Impactful Afforestation Initiative 2024 – Denmark. To learn more about Growing Tree Network’s commendable endeavours, or to enquire about making a donation, visit the organisation's website now.