Scandinavian Business Awards 2024

Jul22546 EU Business News- Scandinavian Business Awards 2024 rowing Trees Network was founded in 2013 by Lars Heiselberg Vang Jensen and Kim Nielsen, driven by a desire to help protect ground water reservoirs by undertaking afforestation projects across Denmark. Since its inception, the organisation’s mission has been to simplify the donation process for companies and private citizens to support the afforestation projects and have a positive impact on the environment. The organisation’s sponsors hail from a variety of industries and are companies of all sizes. These sponsors all share a common goal, however, which is to contribute to afforestation projects to combat climate change, ensure clean driving water, increase biodiversity, form new recreational areas for public health, and retain water for climate protection. While some sponsors make a one-time donation to the organisation, others are inspired by sustainability agendas such as the 17 UN goals, ESG, CSRD, or the Science Based Target initiative and incorporate regular donations into their daily business activities. “We are a small, but very effective team of only three people and the main reason for our success is flexibility, openness, adaptability, and our ability to make quick decisions,” Kim tells us. “Our sponsors appreciate that we are willing to go that extra mile to support their sustainable actions and activities. The three of us are very focused on our sponsors’ happiness.” Growing Trees Network works with municipalities, churches, water plants, privates, and The Danish Nature Agency to plant trees on land. The organisation is not limited to Denmark and focuses abroad on creating better living conditions for the locals participating in agroforestry, reforesting abandoned farmland, and restoring parts of the Amazon rainforest. Outside of Denmark, Growing Trees Network lends its services to Ecuador, Bolivia, Kenya, and Uganda. The organisation acts as a facilitator for its sponsors in finding the perfect afforestation project for them and helping them to gain exposure and branding for their tree planting initiative via its website, social media platforms, events, and common press releases. Ultimately, Growing Trees Network hopes that its work will inspire sponsors to include their customers, suppliers, and business partners in these initiatives. Following a transparent business model, Growing Trees Network forwards 80% of all tree donations directly to the landowner to cover the costs of establishing the forest, keeping 20% to cover operation costs. This not only means that sponsors know exactly where their donations are going, but also know that their donations are funding positive changes. Most Impactful Afforestation Initiative 2024 – Denmark Afforestation is the introduction of trees to areas that have never or not recently had any tree cover, in an effort to create forests to support ecosystems, and reduce CO2 emissions and the impact of desertification. This process is one of the most effective means of tackling climate change, though it will require a global effort to establish the amount of tree cover required to make a meaningful impact on the rising temperatures. Below, we speak with Kim Nielson, CEO of Growing Trees Network, an organisation dedicated to restoring our environment through afforestation projects. G Contact: Kim Nielsen Phone: +45 3113 0103 Company: Growing Trees Network Web Address: Jun22703 What’s more, the organisation opts to not enter into long-term agreements with its sponsors, instead allowing them to leave at any time they would like. Kim tells us that this is often not the case, however, and many sponsors are so happy that they have stayed with Growing Trees Network for years. Growing Trees Network is the only tree planting organisation that offers its sponsors the opportunity to support afforestation projects across the many landscapes provided, with the added option of participating as one of more sponsors in a project or solely sponsoring all trees within one project. If a company wishes to deduct their CO2 uptake directly in their scopes 1 and 2, they must own the land on which they have established forest, which Growing Trees Network assists its sponsors in their achievements. The organisation places a large emphasis on ensuring that its sponsors feel involved with the community and the projects. It does this through prioritising communication and promoting events in which sponsors, and community can integrate. At the completion of all projects, Growing Trees Network celebrates with sponsors, local community