Scandinavian Business Awards 2024

EU Business News- Scandinavian Business Awards 2024 Across Sweden, the sight of Broddson AB’s signature yellow elevator sweepers signify the arrival of spring, with its leading range of models all boasting a high capacity and a smooth operation, with environmental thinking included as standard. These sweepers can be powered by diesel, electricity, or a tractor’s hydraulics, and since they are each designed and manufactured in the company’s own premises, along with all of the spare parts and accessories necessary, these eight standard sweepers all possess a shared air of distinction. The story of Broddson AB dates all the way back to 1993, when the company was formed in the industrial area of the small village of Nykyrka, in Sweden’s Motala Municipality. Moving into the centre of this region three years later, Ekenäs to be specific, the company is proud to still call Motala home after more than three decades, albeit in a bigger facility. From this location, development has flourished in the years since, with Broddson continuously solidifying its status as a key player that exists at the forefront of this niche industry. It is Broddson’s guiding vision to keep people in focus and create safe, clean, and sustainable roads and streets for them to use. On the back of this, the company strives to work every day to exceed the expectations of the general public, which it is immensely proud to serve. Quite simply, it does this by manufacturing state-of-the-art machines that constantly set a new gold standard across the industry. Beyond this, there is also the option for clients to purchase machines that are entirely customised, giving them that something extra. Over the years, Broddson has continued to fortify its empire by adding additional leading brands to its product portfolio, beginning with it becoming an agent for Brock back in 2005. It also reached its first major international milestone that same year, delivering 110 sweepers to Kuwait. To this day, Broddson continues to do business in the Middle East, as well as Africa, along with its predominant Best Street Cleaning Equipment Manufacturer 2024 - Sweden Broddson AB is the leading manufacturer of towed elevator street sweepers in Sweden, with its services extending to include offering spare parts, alternate fittings, and a variety of brushes for many of the best-selling brands across this space. Exporting its machines to 20 different countries worldwide, Broddson is also the representative for other leading European brands in the Swedish market, with its encompassing methods making it the country’s ultimate street cleaning solutions provider. May24680 client base, its Nordic neighbours. The company is incredibly proud of the fact that it has gone global, with its reputation today preceding it. A big part of the reason for this is that Broddson cherishes developing in-demand products and nurturing good relationships. 31 years of operating in this sector has taught this team just how essential it is to listen to customers and provide them with the answers to the questions that they hold about how to work more efficiently, economically, and sustainability. Society’s shift towards favouring sustainable approaches has also seen the team here push for this across their supply chain, taking such action as reducing water consumption when sweeping. Besides this, Broddson prides itself on keeping up with trends, both in its native Scandinavia and in the other countries where it possesses a strong presence. Key to it succeeding in this was the business’ change in ownership back in 2010, meaning that it is today owned and operated as a private family business. Now in its fourth local premises due to it needing to upgrade as its operation has continued to grow, the business’ affinity for this region reached a new high a few years ago, when it was named as the 2020 Motala Company of the Year. When it won this award, the company’s management raised a glass to their staff, without whom this triumph would not have been possible. Upon winning this second award, it is only fitting that the distinction of Broddson’s management team should also be drawn attention to. Having worked together for many years, the knowledge of this team not only runs deep, but it also spans a number of diverse areas. Like most good management teams, Broddson’s senior staff do not always see eye to eye, but they certainly respect each other’s views. When they pool their resources together, Broddson’s management, headed up by CEO Mats Hofstam, are capable of achieving great things and pioneering industry-wide change. This was the case 11 years ago, when the company made the difficult and yet highly rewarding decision to cease purchasing from nearby Poland and instead invest in native Swedish suppliers. As a result, the company today uses Swedish subcontractors almost exclusively, ensuring that every stage of production is injected with its signature knowledge. The permeation of this knowledge across the wider brand would not be possible were it not for the entire team, and not just those occupying the senior positions. Mats is always seeking to uplift each of his employees as far as possible, and this award is a fantastic opportunity for him to do just that. This CEO is incredibly happy when his company is recognised for its efforts, as it reflects what he has worked so hard to achieve paying off, this being the building of a family business with a low staff turnover that is always available to offer support. Mats tells us that he uses the Swedish word “stark”, meaning strong, as an acronym to define the approach he seeks to employs across the company. By following the steps of stopping, thinking, acting, reflecting, and communicating, decisions can be made with everyone’s best interests in mind, from fellow employees through to customers. Mats explains, “you cannot act before you stop and think about it, and you also need to reflect and communicate on decisions made.” For Broddson’s CEO, this is the true marker of strength. Leveraging this approach, 2024 has started off well for Broddson, and although it does not anticipate any major changes in the near future, it is always keeping an eye out for new opportunities that will further its impact, as well as continuing to build sweepers so good that their quality is taken for granted. Having recently incorporated fellow manufacturer Miljömaskiner Motala AB into the organisation, the future is brighter than ever for Broddson as it continues to rack up industry awards and stand as a beacon of trust. Building its empire from the ground up, Broddson transcends simply being Sweden’s