Scandinavian Business Awards 2024

EU Business News- Scandinavian Business Awards 2024 Best Live Event Production Company 2024 - Denmark There is nothing in this world quite like the innate power or magic of a live event. In the corporate world, such events can serve as game changers, helping with everything from raising awareness of a brand’s story to marketing an innovative new product in front of a live, engaged audience. Copenhagen’s Live Collective ApS recognises the power of such events and produces exemplary examples of them for a number of medium and large companies throughout both its native Scandinavia and the rest of the world. Clients who seek out Denmark’s Live Collective are as diverse as the live events that they want to put on, with their past experiences in the events scene ranging from extensive to almost zero. Regardless of a client’s history with live events, this event production company strives to create a powerful live experience for them and their audience. To see that this is consistently the case, the team here always put the project itself at the centre of everything that they do. This approach sees them cover every element of event production seamlessly. Effortlessly striking the balance between acknowledging and embracing the tried and tested concepts of a live event but also breaking new ground when it believes it to be necessary, coherency and a clearly defined sense of purpose are just two of the elements that the company’s clients can expect to see permeate across their event. The result is that Live Collective is the “full package”, not only concerning its abilities, but also regarding its offerings. This encompassing approach starts at the very beginning, with the planning. As Partner and Event Producer Betina Konge explains it, “we create powerful live experiences through coherency between all elements of the planning.” She continues, “we want to have fun planning our events together with our clients and it is very important to us that the client feels that their project is safe not only during the execution of it, but throughout the entire pre-production period as well.” These safe hands really do then handle everything that can be thought of, from managing the project to sorting out the venue logistics (lights, sound, filming) and even arranging any food served. One of the most crucial elements for Live Collective in planning a corporate event is sustainability, which is not only important to the brand, but also to Scandinavia as a whole. For Betina, “In Scandinavia we see great value in gathering people for physical meeting formats, but it is very important that it happens in the most sustainable way possible.” This commitment can be seen in the company’s adherence to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and its status as an Endorser of the 17 Principles for Sustainable Events from the Events Council. Radiating creativity and fostering audience involvement is paramount across such events, and Live Collective strives to achieve this by implementing as many ‘wow’ elements as it can into proceedings. This is where its extensive supplier and freelance staffing network come in, teams of dedicated individuals who complement the company’s partner team Betina and Anette Konge remarkably well. A robust network that is comprised of the best of the best in their field, this extended team are all well aware of their importance. After the right team have been gathered for a particular project, it is time for Betina and co. to discuss with the client their every need and get a clear understanding of what the ultimate purpose of the event is. This will ultimately form how the project is worked on and lend itself to creating a priorities list of the points that need to be hit to measure success. From here, it is the unrivalled experience, keen eye for detail, and desire to push the boundaries that will guide the project, underpinned by an unbreakable focus and steadfast coherency throughout. With years of combined experienced between them, the team at Live Collective know what it takes to execute an event that adheres to a set budget, pre-defined objectives, and common goals. Finally, this events agency will even handle postproduction, something that is made possible thanks to Live Collective’s leveraging of the services of its digital partners, which it will work closely with to see that any necessary information is provided to a client to aid their future plans, such as posting the event online. For this winning combination of live event excellence, an encompassing service suite, and a strict sustainable commitment, it is our pleasure to celebrate Live Collective ApS as the Best Live Event Production Company 2024 – Denmark. Contact: Betina Konge Company: Live Collective ApS Web Address: Jun24404