Scandinavian Business Awards 2024

Aug22136 35. Best Herbal Extract Supplement Brand 2024 & Best Natural Menopause Remedy 2024: REGOMEO Food supplements are a popular, simple, affordable means of getting the nutrition we need. They help to fight illness, promote a feeling of overall well being, and even limit or stave off ill effects of ongoing conditions. Among the providers of herbal extracts used in these supplements, Herrens Mark sets lofty standards. Its herbal supplement products go on to promote health, stabilise menopause, limit bone loss, and more, relying on no preservatives to do so. From its base on Funen, Denmark, Herrens Mark cultivates 77 hectares of organic herbs. It puts these herbs through a production process using lactic acid bacteria, and they are eventually introduced into food supplements to achieve a range of well-evidenced positive biological effects. Renowned for its production of fermented red clover extracts for supplements REGOMEO and REGOBONE, the company maintains a track record of groundbreaking work and has made an indelible mark on the supplement market. Many consumers enjoy the stabilising benefits of red clover extract during menopause for its use in reducing symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats. Red clover’s role in easing menopause symptoms is related to plant oestrogens, or isoflavones, it provides, which balance oestrogen loss during menopause. It may also be used to combat osteopenia, or bone loss, in menopausal and postmenopausal women. Meanwhile, others rely on fermented dandelion extract for its effects in REGOPUR, a supplement which, studies show, protects the liver, lowers blood pressure, and may be used in type 2 diabetes treatment. These extracts go through a 6-month fermentation process before they are ready to be included in supplements. During this proves, lactic acid bacteria is introduced, and as the PH of the extract drops to around 4, it is the only surviving bacteria, and provides a preservative effect. The process improves the healthboosting performance of these ingredients, and Herrens Mark’s red clover fermentation process is unique, patented in the EU, UK, USA, China, and Canada. The range of uniquely beneficial supplements is available online via Herrens Mark’s webshop and in the UK via The Natural Dispensary. For a comfortable menopause, REGOMEO is a scientifically backed solution, and REGOBONE serves as its counterpart, the red clover supplement tailored towards bone health, incorporating calcium and magnesium. REGOMUN, including echinacea, oregano, and oats, contributes to a healthy immune system and airways. REGOPUR comprises a dandelion extract and works to bolster the gastrointestinal system and digestion. Between them, these products form a comprehensive offering providing a colourful array of benefits. The company was founded by Michel Mohr Jensen, who spent 30 years prior as a vegetable farmer. His belief is that a healthy life is promoted and sustained by balance, placing an emphasis on plant life’s ability to affect the body and mind. His care and respect for nature permeates every stage of the production process, and he intends to expand the range of extracts used and products provided, all with this enduring commitment to organic procedures. Herrens Mark stands beside market leading herbal extract supplement brands. Its team boasts experience, passion, and is deeply familiar with the relevant research. Its international consumer base praises the effects, lauding their newfound sense of wellbeing and the rapidity with which positive effects begin. Between the plentiful research and testimonials supporting these products, it is no wonder that Herrens Mark is making such a name for itself. Contact: Anette Werenskiold Company: Herrens Mark Web Address: May24121