Scandinavian Business Awards 2024

30. EU Business News- Scandinavian Business 2024 May24122 Everybody knows the frustration of needing to contact someone without signal, but it’s beyond frustrating for some. Attavik sees the need for connectivity within the contexts of health, education, personal safety, and more, which is why its team created the Attavik app. It’s the only app of its kind, allowing contact between users even when there’s no connection available. Having poor or no broadband is a hugely limiting factor for those living in rural areas, and this hinders the UN’s progress towards sustainable development goal no. 9. This goal intends to ensure universal access to information and the tools to innovate, which requires a greater level of connectivity than underserved communities have. The Attavik team is heavily aligned with this goal and believes a person should benefit from reliable communication regardless of where they live. Owing to its mission, the app even secured funding from the European Union. Calling and instant messaging via Attavik can rely on any common network, and within a 60-metre range, it requires no network whatsoever, meaning it’s a form of utterly offline communication. The app may also connect to Wi-Fi networks without a central server, enhancing its services beyond these already cutting-edge functionalities. No matter the environment, being able to communicate without internet or broadband is an invaluable tool in today’s world, where we rely on that access so heavily. “Yes, you heard it right! You can now call offline without any internet or sim. Just hop on to Attavik to explore the latest advancement in technology that redefines traditional networking methods.” Attavik highlights several crucial use cases in which the app will prove especially useful. In emergency situations such as natural disasters, it limits the need for cellular reception. Nearby users connected to the same network will be able to communicate regardless and convey possibly lifesaving information. Underground or enclosed spaces also experience notoriously poor reception, and Attavik provides the ideal solution. From those who live in rural, unconnected areas to military operatives, it promises to benefit a huge range of users. The team sees plenty of reward to operating in Scandinavia, given its reputation as an environment of innovation and technological development. Making use of Business Hub’s presence in the region, it has enjoyed plenty of expert advice on entrepreneurial and general business matters. For its small, agile team, this helped fill in knowledge gaps, leaving Attavik’s people free to do what they do best. They maintain an informal workspace so that everyone feels empowered to speak their mind and ensure every team member is strongly aligned with the business’s goals. “2024 will be a very exciting year for Attavik. We will be ready with our IOS app, and the Android version will be launched.” Attavik’s innovation is testament to a winning combination of a noble goal and a forward-thinking, collaborative team. In the company’s words, there’s no one doing what they do. It’s a prime example of a truly pioneering product and service that at best has the potential to save lives, and at the very least will connect isolated individuals with the world around them. Thanks to Attavik, no one needs to feel alone. Contact Details Contact: Jeanne Holm Company: Attavik Web Address: Telecoms Company of the Year 2024 – Denmark & Most Innovative Social Media App 2024: Attavik App