Scandinavian Business Awards 2024

EU Business News- Scandinavian Business Awards 2024 May24380 Best Rotating Machinery Components Manufacturer 2024 Machine analytics are any company’s ticket to a smoother operation. Machine down time can have all sorts of impacts to day-today business, including lost production, revenue, and customer loyalty. Optimising the lifespan, maintenance, and repair of machinery is a surefire way to limit the potential for these issues, and EWA sensors provide a sleek IoT solution to get the best out of manufacturing equipment. EWA Sensors was founded in 2020 by Eva Kühne. She noticed that there was no high-quality condition monitoring sensor on the market. Under her stewardship, the company filled that void, and to date, it is the only highquality data sensor on the market. It serves as both a standalone product and a pre-processing device delivering highquality data for AI and cloud platforms. Eva Herself is an eminent force of innovation, which former colleagues attest to. One recommendation states that “Eva is always in progress, heading for the next development in the project.” Another says, “I have been working with Eva the last 3.5 years developing unique condition monitoring platforms for Grundfos. During this time, Eva has become one of five persons in the world with more than one ISO-18436 Cat IV certification. This has made her a very competent project manager, which is clearly reflected by her track record with a range of very innovative projects. I can only give her my best recommendations.” The EWA Sensor is a powerful analytics tool for rotation machines. It can identify faults, maintenance information, and indicate need for repair based on a thorough vibration analysis and monitoring magnetic fields. It utilises every relevant metric, based on theoretical and practical knowledge from ISO standard 18436-2 for condition monitoring and diagnostics. It is mounted non-invasively on a machine and provides warnings and alarms as needed which signal operators take appropriate action. All the while, the sensor functions without relying on a cloud environment, meaning it is not vulnerable to hacking or cyberattack. Edge-based analytics has many applications in machine use and manufacturing, and EWA Sensors is leading the way in this field. With the assistance of intelligent realtime monitoring, faults, worn-out parts, and inappropriate operating situations are made apparent. For optimised maintenance and lifespan of rotating machinery, there is an immediate profit to using EWA Sensors’ market leading edgebased analytics. “The sensor works totally on-the-edge, with all analytics made in the sensor, and output parameters stated on the sensor field bus are updated every second. This integrates seamlessly with existing control systems. The sensor is for installation on both dryinstalled and submerged machines, independent of machine type and brand.” The benefits of this sensor are far-reaching, improving machine efficiency, which in turn reduces energy use and has a positive environmental impact. Increased system uptime and lifespan brings the company towards its goal of reducing customers’ energy consumption and CO₂ emissions by 10%. EWA Sensors contributes to the UN’s sustainability goals 9 and 12 in this regard, which between them aim to foster innovation, sustainable industrial infrastructure, and the sustainable, efficient use of natural resources. According to goal 14, the team also works to prevent marine pollution of all kinds. Improving the performance of systems and machines reduces overflows of harmful substances, marking the company’s role in maintaining unpolluted waters. “Our company focus is on impact, and we want to take an active part in lowering climate impacts on our environment.” In all it does, EWA Sensors acts with the goal of becoming a global market trendsetter for its niche of edge-based maintenance analytics. To date, the team has created the most valuable sensor of its kind. The combined high level of signal Contact: Eva Kühne Company: EWA Sensors ApS Web Address: