Q3 2024

15. Across other alternative fuels, there is a correlation too. While liquified natural gas (LNG) refueling stations tend to lie outside the bandwidth of LEZ boundaries, there’s a notably higher concentration of LNG stations within countries that have implemented LEZ and ULEZ. This certainly shows that LEZs are having a positive impact on clean fuel adoption. Whether this means that traditional city centre refueling stations will become a thing of the past remains up for debate, especially with the sale of ICE vehicles still permitted – in some countries – beyond 2030. One possibility, however, is that given the rise of LEZs, petrol and diesel stations may be pushed further and further out of the city and along motorway infrastructure. Conclusion The growth of LEZ and ULEZ across the continent has been a defining feature of recent years and looks set to continue in future. This has brought some impressive benefits from cleaner air to better physical and mental health and reduced congestion. There certainly appears to be a positive correlation between these zones and cleaner transport adoption, with motorists looking to combat daily charges and embrace more sustainable driving practices. This may mean that those in more urban and metropolitan areas transition quicker than those in more rural areas, but the long-term effects remain to be seen.