Irish Enterprise Awards 2021

EU BUSINESS NEWS /2021 Irish Enterprise Awards 15 , Best Emerging Telecoms Company 2021 Almost everybody in the world is now reliant on a stable Internet connection in some way, shape, or form. That remains true for both inner city innovators and people who choose to live inmore rural areas. Established in 2014, Rural Wi-Fi is a broadband provider offering all types of solutions in the telecommunications marketplace. Following its well-deserved success in the Irish Enterprise Awards 2021, we got in touchwith CEO Patrick Cotter to find out more. Jan21430 Based in Dublin, Rural Wi-Fi are committed to guaranteeing b r o a d b a n d connectivity for its clients regardless of their location. There is great need for people to have access to a broadband connection that is both stable and secure. For instance, what happens when an accident occurs out in the rural areas? Many forms of communication now rely on Internet connection, and Rural Wi-Fi is a firm that is committed to ensuring everybody has a connection they can rely on. To begin, Patrick gives us a brief overview of the firm and offers more insight into its clientele. “As a broadband provider we aim to get our clients connected with the best available solution. With four options to choose from including rural fibre, high-speed, mobile and satellite, we are confident there is a solution for everyone.” Across Ireland the firm are in direct competition with several other broadband providers, including some of the biggest brands and players in the entire industry. However, as Patrick elaborates further, it is Rural Wi-Fi’s offering of satellite broadband in particular that has enabled the firm to stand out from the crowd of others. “Konnect is a brand-new satellite, launched at the start of 2020 by Eutelsat, one of the largest satellite companies in the world. Sitting in a geo-stationery orbit of 35,000km above the earth’s surface, using state of the art technology it delivers speeds of up to 100 Mbps without the need to dig up roads and lay cables. Following a one-off activation fee of € 49, we can provide free professional installations for all our clients.” Despite the outbreak of COVID- 19, the firm has continued to thrive during the pandemic. With more people staying at home than ever before, the reliance on a solid and stable Internet connection is imperative. Even those working from home need an Internet connection, especially those in a rural environment. This success has been crucial for Rural Wi-Fi, as Patrick points out. “With people Based in Dublin, Rural Wi-Fi are committed to guaranteeing broadband connectivity for its clients regardless of their location. There is great need for people to have access to a broadband connection that is both stable and secure. working from home our business has increased dramatically. In addition, new partnerships have created even more services which has also led to us hiring more staff to deal with the queries.” Finally, Patrick comments on the future prospects of Rural Wi-Fi as we look ahead to 2021 and beyond. “Moving forward, having satisfied the demands of many clients to date, we will be working hard to maintain the reputation we have managed to establish here in Ireland. Moreover, as pricing can heavily influence a customer’s decision, we will have to keep an eye on the market to ensure we are offering our customers value.” Company: Rural Wi-Fi Contact: Patrick Cotter Email: Web: Phone: +353449312312