Irish Enterprise Awards 2020
36 EU BUSINESS NEWS / 2020 Irish Enterprise Awards , Most Innovative Road Maintenance Service Providers 2020 When driving down country lanes or suburban streets, it’s easy to forget the importance of the road laid beneath. It’s the sort of job that, done well, shouldn’t be noticed. Maintaining roads, however, takes a great deal of skill and the techniques used are constantly evolving. Always open to innovation, Tarstone RoadMaintenance Ltd have proven to be the keystone that keeps everyone driving forward. We profiled the firm to find out more. Feb20035 For over forty years, Tarstone Road Maintenance has been providing services to local authorities, airports, ports, asphalt producers, contractors and utility service providers when it comes to maintaining roads. Since 1998, the company has been led by Mr E Lynch, a man of nearly fifty years’ experience in the industry. He has led the company along a path of innovation, backed by a practical understanding of best practice and a job well done. It is an approach that has gained support from clients and colleagues alike, allowing the business to develop into the success it is today. Tarstone Road Maintenance has built its name as a specialist contractor in the field of bituminous pavement construction and maintenance, airfield maintenance , port access and jetty maintenance, civil engineering and most notably as a Roadmastic producer. Able to cover the whole of the island, providing essential services such as a 24-hour call-out, the team has become trusted and renowned for its exceptional work and tireless efforts in both emergency situations and in day-to-day matters. From the company’s three bases, spread across the country, it is possible for the team to reach anywhere within three hours. With everything from hauliers to maintenance handled inhouse, it makes the company the natural choice for rapid road repair. Achieving high quality work to a deadline is one of the many reasons that clients come back to Tarstone Road Maintenance again and again. This impressive response capacity makes the business one of the best in the industry in Ireland. While road maintenance is an important aspect of the business, the Roadmastic product that it produces has grown into one of the company’s major successes. In 2014 Tarstone Road Maintenance became the first Irish producer to achieve CE marked certification for polymer modified mastic asphalt for use on roads, airfields and other trafficked areas. It has quickly become one of Ireland’s go-to solution for the repair of problematic ironworks such as manholes, gullies and sluice valves. The material’s flexibility ensures longevity in the life of the cover and frame. Covers that are set using traditional concrete may not have the necessary flexibility, eventually breaking loose and dislodging under the frame. The company is ISO 9001: 2015 accredited, Safe T Cert Grade A, and with an in-house technical team paying close attention to the production and quality management of the Roadmastic product. The team working at Tarstone Road Maintenance is incredibly strong, with a high level of satisfaction resulting in low staff turnover. Some employees have been with the company since it was first formed. By promoting pride in work first and foremost, the team have been able to achieve the truly exceptional, the results of which are reflected in clients’ praise for the hard work that the team put into each and every job. It goes without saying that success is not just the result of past triumphs, but looking forward to future glories. Recent months have seen the team at Tarstone Road Maintenance securing some incredibly high-profile contracts. These new contracts are with clients such as the Dublin Airport Authority and the Dublin Port Authority. With strong relationships already established with current clients, cultivating similar rapport is essential to building this established company into an even more well-known name within the industry. In all, the success of Tarstone Road Maintenance comes from its attention to detail, its ability to innovate and its rapid response to client need. Highly regarded by those who encounter it, we can’t wait to see what successes come to Tarstone Road Maintenance in the years to come. Company: Tarstone Road Maintenance Ltd Contact: Lorna Lynch Website:
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