German Business Award Packages 2023

Package Examples German Business Awards 2023

About Us Introduction EU Business News is proud to announce the return of the German Business Awards 2023 for its seventh instalment! This is a prestigious awards programme that aims to celebrate and honour the achievements of businesses operating in Germany. The German Business Awards 2023 is open to businesses of all sizes and sectors, from established corporations to innovative start-ups. Whatever your business specialises in, we want to hear from you! Germany is one of the largest and most influential economies in Europe, and throughout the world. It is renowned for its high quality products, its technological innovation, its environmental sustainability, and its social responsibility. Despite the recent challenges posed by the pandemic and subsequent global recession, Germany has shown remarkable resilience and adaptability and has continued to grow and prosper in 2023. Despite the current energy crisis and inflation affecting the globe at present, German business morale rose more than expected despite the ongoing challenges businesses are facing. More than 8 in 10 of German businesses surveyed in 2022 expect their revenues to remain the same or increase this year. Germany continues to rank in the top 10 of the most profitable sales markets worldwide, with GDP also set to accelerate from 0.2% this year, to 1.4% next year. EU Business News recognises the vital role that businesses play in driving economic growth and development throughout Germany. We believe that it is important to acknowledge and reward those enterprises that have demonstrated excellence, innovation, and leadership in their respective fields. That is why the German Business Awards 2023 exist: to showcase the best and brightest businesses, and to recognise the hard work and dedication of the individuals and teams who drive these enterprises forward. Bronze Package 695 GBP / 813 Euro Full page article Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo

Gold Package Your company logo on the Front Cover 2 page article Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 1,595 GBP / 1,850 Euro Silver Package 995 GBP / 1,154 Euro 2 page article Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate

Limited Availability Only one Available Editor’s Choice Package Main front cover image & headline 4 page article placed at the front end of the magazine 2 Bespoke trophies 1 Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 8-page digital brochure 100 high quality copies of your 8-page brochure Double page spread in a future edition of EU Business News 4,995 GBP / 5,744 Euro Platinum Package 2,995 GBP / 3,504 Euro Supporting front cover image & headline 2 page article Bespoke trophy Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 4-page digital brochure

Standalone Items Bespoke trophy: 345 GBP / 400 Euro Slate trophy: 345 GBP / 400 Euro Wall plaque: 345 GBP / 400 Euro Personalised digital logo: 245 GBP / 284 Euro Personalised digital certificate: 245 GBP / 284 Euro Full page editorial: 395 GBP / 458 Euro Subscribe to EU Business News