50 EU BUSINESS NEWS / German Business Awards 2022 Sep22462 Digital communications are essential tomodernbusinesses, but feworganisations are equipped to tackle this rapidly changingworld. The teamat DriveGmbH&Co. have offered incredible specialist support tonumerous companies since 2002.With successwell-earned inEUBusinessNews’ German Business Awards, the teamwere justly recognised for their efforts.We explore preciselyhowthe teamhave beenable to secure sucha tremendous achievementwithina competitive industry. Since being founded in 2002, the team at Drive has managed to lead the way for clients looking for something a little bit different. A digital presence is vital nowadays, but many companies simply don’t know how to achieve it. When you turn to Drive, you aren’t just turning to people knowledgeable about the sector, but people who know how to apply that knowledge in as effective a manner as possible. Whilst the team have a reputation for excellence in the digital field, it’s the range of services that they can offer which makes them standouts in the market. Drive supports employer branding, digital transformation, e-commerce, and internal and external communications for B2B and B2C operations. Every project sees the team not only determined to meet their clients’ requirements, but to develop their projects using an incredible depth of knowledge built over 20 years. The primary aim of almost every project that the team undertake is to bolster the image of the client. These clients have included everyone from architecture to retail giants. The company has also drawn in work from prestigious academic partners such as Leibniz University. Far from stretching the company beyond its breaking point, the diversity of projects has been a crucial part of pushing the team to be able to tackle projects of any size and shape. In a strongly interconnected world, a holistic attitude is key. It’s not enough to pay attention to one part of the landscape in the digital world, for everything is tied together. In most cases, the Drive team have been able to steer companies toward an attitude which results in a long-term, high-ranking position. They also have a proven track record in supporting businesses to optimise their platforms through the German government’s Go-Digital supply program. Digital solutions have changed enormously over the years, but throughout the last two decades, the Drive team have celebrated consistent success. More and more people have begun to see the potential of the digital revolution, but these competitors do not have the longevity to match. It’s this longevity that has ensured such a solid presence in the agency landscape for so many years. Such a position in the market allows the Drive team to spot potential trends much more easily than a short-lived start-up. For Drive’s clients, and therefore for the team as a whole, one of the biggest challenges facing the digital revolution is that of accessibility. Already, many decisions are being made which will transform the design of digital communications. Drive is one step ahead of this curve, and has already begun building these requirements into their systems. Looking ahead, the Drive team seem well positioned to celebrate another two decades in business. Their aim has always been to work and create across a host of media, designing clear and consistent pieces that are easily recognisable and distinguishable. For them, technology is a tool on which innovation can be built. Using the background of diversity, of innovation and of action, that has brought Drive such success over the last twenty years, the team hope to achieve more outcomes that satisfy even more people. Company: DRIVE GmbH & Co. KG Name: Stephan Probst Email: pole-position@drive.eu Web Address: www.drive.eu Best eCommerce Development Company - Europe