European CEO of the Year Awards 2024

- Another area where the company does distinguish itself is in the way it approaches its service offering. Where many of its peers endeavour to sell services, Growth Marketing Sweden AB prefers a strategy that allows for flexibility and dynamism, selling hours instead, as Jorge continues. “This unique approach ensures that we have the flexibility to adapt to each project's specific needs, thereby minimizing the risk of failure. Our meticulous planning and execution processes, combined with regular updates and client involvement, guarantee that projects are carried out seamlessly from beginning to end. “Our current strategy revolves around adopting a mindset as if we owned the client’s business. This approach allows us to align our goals with our clients’ goals, ensuring mutual success. We focus on sustainable, long-term growth by leveraging our deep expertise in SEO and digital marketing.” In other areas, Growth Marketing Sweden AB understands that its crucial to stay ahead in all ways, especially in the digital space which moves at a breakneck speed. To achieve that, the team dedicate two hours a week to reviewing the latest trends and developments in SEO and AI equally. By focusing their efforts in this way, the company remains in its highly coveted position, with collaboration ensuring that the entire team grows in pace with each other, all on the same page. This has become crucial in this new age of AI, which has brought about a colossal paradigm shift in digital marketing – changing the landscape and continuing to change it as it develops and evolves. Jorge agrees: “The digital marketing industry is currently experiencing an AI revolution. Many companies have yet to adapt to these changes, and we position ourselves as their guide through this transition. By staying ahead in AI and SEO advancements, we help our clients navigate these challenges and seize new opportunities.” On a more personal level, Growth Marketing Sweden AB is a product of Jorge through and through. It has grown through his appreciation of mutual trust and empowerment, as he explains in more detail. “My leadership style is a blend of trust and discipline. I believe in empowering my employees and trusting them to excel in their roles. At the same time, we maintain a structured and disciplined approach, inspired by military principles. This balance ensures efficiency and accountability within our team. “I emphasise the importance of teamwork and shared goals. By clearly communicating that we are all rowing in the same boat, I run a tight ship, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and a unified mission. Much like a disciplined military unit, we operate with precision and cohesion. Everyone understands their role is crucial to our success, and we're all committed to achieving our objectives. With four full-time soldiers and eight dedicated operatives, two of whom are elite forces solely focused on advancing Growth Marketing Sweden AB, our ranks are solid. This militaristic structure instils a strong sense of camaraderie and determination, ensuring we march forward as a unified force, ready to conquer any digital battlefield.” “My passion for SEO drives me to stay informed, which in turn benefits our clients and the company.” As for the future, Jorge plans on continuing Growth Marketing Sweden AB’s ongoing growth path, as the team looks ahead at its plan to revolutionise the SEO industry through the integration of digital PR in the company’s daily operations, as he concludes in his closing remarks. “This will create a new standard we call SEOAPR (Search Engine Optimisation and Digital PR). This approach aims to combine the best practices of SEO and PR to deliver unparalleled results for our clients. I also plan to focus more on SEO analyses, which I find particularly enjoyable and rewarding. By honing my skills in this area, I aim to enhance the value we provide to our clients and further solidify my expertise in the field.” For the foreseeable, especially for the remainder of 2024, Jorge Castro and Growth Marketing Sweden AB will continue to expand its client base through its commitment to excellence and innovation.