European CEO of the Year Awards 2024

32. EU Business News- Q1 2024 With an illustrious job history which has brought him to the pinnacle of his career, Allan N. Pedersen is an innovative and thought-provoking leader at the helm of Danish fire safety experts, Linde Brandmateriel ApS (Linde). We find out more from Allan as he gains notable and well-deserved recognition in the European CEO of the Year Awards 2024. With more than 40 years’ worth of industry experience, Linde Brandmateriel ApS is taking fire and safety engineering to the next level. Based in Tune, Denmark, the firm supplies, installs, and maintains almost everything within the field of fire technical equipment and safety equipment - such as firefighting equipment, emergency equipment, first aid equipment, and AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) to a wide range of customers throughout Denmark. As Chief Executive Officer of the company, Allan N. Pedersen has been in the industry himself for more than 25 years and knows both the sector and its suppliers very well. Here, he tells us more about his career. “I started actually in a time-limited position as substitute for an office girl on maternity leave. I was then hired into that company and worked there around 20 years within marketing, strategy, development, etcetera, and ended up as COO in the company. I wanted to have the final control and was lucky to get the position as CEO of Linde.” With so much experience under his belt, Allan has gained favourable insight into the workings of the industry. He is able to view things from a customer perspective and the buying side of the table in order to build solid relationships with larger clients. “We want to be our customers’ preferred supplier through a first-class service at a reasonable price,” enthuses Allan. “I have a good team of technicians behind me who are willing to do the extra work, to ensure that the customers are happy.” Allan is a strong believer in value-based leadership, and that everybody must enjoy going to work every day. He promotes the premise that a happy employee performs a lot better than an unhappy employee. “One thing that I always remember is that every night, when I brush my teeth, I want to be able to look myself in the eyes and know that every decision I made was made in a way that I can justify – even the tough decisions that are needed from time to time.” One of the biggest challenges Allan has faced at Linde Brandmateriel has been the change of culture and to have the employees adopt the new culture and strategy. The industry is also very challenging at times, as fire safety and extinguishers are very low on the agenda for many companies, so at times, it’s extremely difficult to get new customers – unless things are done a little differently, and Allan’s strategy does just that. “I don’t believe in luck, but I believe in “chasing luck", he explains. “During my career, I have succeeded in getting very big contracts or other wins, simply because I have had the guts to chase the case, instead of just giving up. For example, you aim for 1,000, and may only end up at 900, but that’s still a lot better than if you aimed for 80 and ended up at 90. So, basically, think big and go for it. Never give up. Nothing is impossible. The impossible things just may take a little bit longer to figure out.” Recently, Allan was recognised for his radical leadership style in the European CEO of the Year Awards and was crowned Best Fire Tech Company CEO 2024. This award is testament to his hard work and dedication over the years to help the firm succeed. Now, as the future beckons, Allan is hoping to sit on the Board of Directors in companies in order to analyse where to improve things and to help businesses innovate to make an impact. But one thing is certain – growth is most definitely on the cards! “In general, I look into growth, which can be organically or through M&A,” he elaborates. “I want to grow the business both in revenue and in profit and make Linde shine in the industry in Denmark. From time to time, I take strategic decisions which may lead to a smaller profit one year, but which for sure will bring a growth later on.” Contact Details Contact: Allan N. Pedersen Company: Linde Brandmateriel ApS Web Address: Best Fire Tech Company CEO 2024: Allan N. Pedersen