European CEO of the Year Awards 2024

Jul22493 19. Jul22493 Characterised by its ingenuity and affinity for designing and delivering renewable energy solutions to clients in the realm of installation, Solexis Sa is a B2B company whose highly technical process has encouraged major growth across the industry. From concept to completion, the company goes the extra mile to cultivate tangible solutions that are geared toward advancing energy transition on a global scale, with its award-winning CEO centered as the beating heart of the collective. Driven, respected, and eager to bring about a better future, Frederic Bichsel has redefined greatness, and we’re eager to explore how below. Frederic Bichsel’s story is indeed an intriguing one – how is it that one man was able to develop a company whose impact is, to this day, still rippling across the technical wholesale market? Though by no means a simple venture, Frederic knew exactly what he wanted to bring to the world, and set out to ensure that it came to fruition in every conceivable way. This vision, of course, takes the form of none other than Solexis Sa, whose renewable energy solutions catalogue covers a myriad of essential applications. From solar thermal and solar photovoltaics, to BIPV, ESS, and e-mobility, Solexis stands as the embodiment of Frederic’s ambition to foster a worldwide energy transition. The journey, however, begins long before the idea even came to be. Frederic had always been immersed in the art of designing in a different manner, and no better did this manifest than through the achievement of his Masters degree in mechanical engineering. Equipped with the tools to excel, Frederic knew he’d be able to accomplish more, and began his professional endeavour as a commissioning engineer – specifically in the field of gas turbines in centralised power plants. Over the following four years, he earned himself the experience he needed to go even further, and it was at this point that he – as Frederic himself puts it – ‘fell into the RE industry by joining an innovative PV module manufacturer’. Taking on the role as business development manager, Frederic accumulated an exceptional level of renown for his detailed skillset and extensive expertise in the area. Though he was certainly thriving, he had begun to formulate plans of his own – plans that would see him leaving his business development manager role behind in 2010 in the pursuit of developing something new. This ‘something new’ would ultimately become Solexis – a company built on the vision of selecting and selling the best renewable energy solutions available through installers around the world. As the coalescence of Frederic’s experience, Solexis now stands as a direct response to the issues of global warming and the widespread desire to transition to cleaner energy solutions. Between his onsite commissioning skills and the pragmatism he earned as a business development manager, Frederic was able to create an entity that not only answered the industry-wide outcry, but could also adapt and remain dynamic whenever needed. The result is what we see today – Solexis is an exceptional collective whose affinity for fostering a tangible energy transition sets it apart as a standout in its field. For years, the fate of our planet has hung in the balance, and it’s up to the innovative minds of tomorrow to decide which way things may swing. Solexis is one such mind – a company that, guided by its exceptional CEO, has taken a stand in the pursuit of bettering the world. Proud to play an integral role in the transition toward a more energy-conscious future, Solexis grants a glimpse into how the industry could develop, and we can only hope that the market follows its example. We’re certain that, under Frederic Bichsel’s watchful eye, such a prospect will continue to manifest in reality for the foreseeable future. Contact: Frederic Bichsel Company: Solexis Sa Web Address: Best Photovoltaic Product Design & Distribution CEO 2024: Frederic Bichsel Jul24027