EU Business News August 2017

EU BUSINESS NEWS / August 2017 3 Contents , 4. News 8. 10 Years since the Start of the Crisis 10. Two in Three Bosses at Britain’s Biggest Businesses Not Trained to Deal with a Cyber Attack 12. Matchmaking Scheme Helps Businesses Find £4 Million of Finance 14. Testing Times for the Future of Work 16. Amicus Property Finance Completes Loan for Residential Schemes 18. Exporters Concerned Economic Conditions Will Dampen Performance 20. CCS-UK Develop New Module to Speed up Heathrow Logistics 22. Jobs Expansion for Gaming Firm 24. SME Instrument Innovator Stratio Seals a Deal with Coachbuilder Sunsundegui 26. UK SMEs Get Export Boost through Heathrow 28. Post-Brexit Banking 30. Honeywell Connected Aircraft Software Reduces Fuel Use * Post-Brexit Banking - page 28