With almost 300 participants the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit 2023 in Dublin has been a perfect opportunity to network with all relevant stakeholders in the field. These first days of October have been ideal to learn about the latest news and developments in global E-Invoicing implementations and digital reporting requirements.
3 days fully packed with deep-dive workshops, presentations, panel discussions and roundtables have made Dublin to a hot spot of the E-Invoicing industry. Participants from 31 different countries, from governments, multinational corporates, legal and tax advisory firms, policymakers, industry associations and all major E-Invoicing service providers came together to exchange best practices and develop strategies to cope with upcoming challenges.
Especially ViDA – the VAT in the Digital Age initiative from the European Commission – was pivotal when discussing the way forward for E-Invoicing in Europe over the next 5 years. And for sure, there is a field of tension between tax authorities’ needs to quickly close VAT gaps, and the urge for automated and efficient processes on the business side. It became obvious that to be successful and competitive in international trade all parties involved need to align their strategies and find a good balance between transparency and efficiency.
Thanks to the artist Christian Ridder a new “Big Picture of E-Invoicing” has been drawn that reflects the topical highlights of the three conference days, embedded in the great scenery of the dinner event.
The graphic recording is available for free download here:
The slides of the conference can be accessed here:
The global journey of the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit continues. The next stop is Singapore from
December 4 to 6, 2023. The agenda of the APAC-focused edition has just been published:
More information on the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit: https://www.exchange-summit.com/