
Category: Articles

Showing page 56 of 72 with 863 matching results.

ArticlesOctober 10, 2019Summer didn’t happen – Brexit uncertainty sparks slump in construction hiring

Compared to last year, over the summer the number of new construction jobs filled halved.

ArticlesOctober 4, 2019Ellisons Solicitors warns of Brexit shocks for the construction sector

The region’s construction sector has received a stark warning about the impact a no deal Brexit could have on its workforce.

ArticlesOctober 3, 2019What will happen in the event of a no-deal Brexit for the gas industry?

With Brexit still the dominating issue in the UK, and with no clarity on whether Britain will leave the European Union on October 31st without a deal, all scenarios still seem possible. In the following piece, Flogas UK, who supply gas for business and domestic use, weigh-up what the possibility of no deal could mean for the UK’s gas industry.

ArticlesOctober 1, 2019One-third of UK travellers less likely to holiday in EU following Brexit

Since the Brexit referendum in 2016, Brits have become less likely to go abroad for holidays, with 1.1 million fewer trips overseas from UK residents in 2018 than in 2017. UK Google Trends data shows that interest in ‘staycations’ has also risen by 116% during this time.

ArticlesSeptember 30, 2019Are businesses losing out if they aren’t dog friendly?

According to a recent survey of the UK hospitality industry, conducted by The Kennel Club, 97% of all dog friendly businesses stated that our canine companions have added value to their business, directly or indirectly.

ArticlesSeptember 27, 2019Overseas Workers and the Wrecking Ball of Brexit

17 per cent of the people employed in the UK were born abroad and considering 3.7 million people living in the UK were born within the EU, the impacts are going to be stark. That said, which industries are going to suffer the most, with a diminished work force following Brexit.

ArticlesSeptember 25, 2019Leading Charge Point Operators Plan Roaming Agreement in the UK

A group of Europe’s leading smart charging solutions providers have today signed a letter of intent pledging to open their networks for drivers of electric vehicles (EVs) in the UK through a roaming partnership by the end of 2019. Initiators of this initiative to open up the charging infrastructure are Allego, EVBox and NewMotion. Together with Chargemap, ChargePoint, Charge4Europe, Engenie, Franklin Energy, and Travelcard they want to make a statement on how easy access to charging infrastructure will help improve the switch to e-mobility for drivers in this region.

ArticlesSeptember 17, 2019Half of investors believe Brexit will scare foreign investors away from the UK

Investment into Netherlands quadruples since referendum but Dutch investment into UK plummets. DSO exchange Nexthash unveils exclusive research exploring investor sentiment regarding high-growth startup funding around Brexit.

ArticlesSeptember 16, 2019How Are Modern Day Companies Motivating Their Employees?

It’s hard to feel motivated when you’re at work. For most people, having a job is a necessity rather than a choice, and the best that they can do is to try and choose a career that they don’t hate. To combat this, companies are introducing innovative ways to help their workforce focus.

ArticlesSeptember 16, 2019How does the print industry plan to become more economically sustainable?

Negative connotations have built up surrounding the industry’s practices being particularly destructive to the environment. The print industry is making the necessary changes to move with the times in order to seek a more environmentally responsible future.

ArticlesSeptember 11, 2019The history of women’s work-wear throughout time

Join us as we take a virtual trip down memory lane with the help of Lotus Shoes retailers of women’s court shoes, to see how the last 100 years has shaped women’s office wear. While this aspect of women’s office wear has yet to change — thanks to the government rejecting the proposal to ban such gender-specific workplace dress codes — there have been a number of other changes to the office wardrobe of women over the years.

ArticlesSeptember 9, 2019Job growth in Wales dips as Brexit deadline looms

Professional employment in Wales has slowed in the run-up to Brexit, as vacancies across the country decrease by 3% year-on-year. That is according to new data from the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo), based on research undertaken by Vacancysoft.


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