
Category: Articles

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ArticlesJanuary 20, 2021Which Marketing Campaigns Did We Love During Lockdown?

Nothing catches the eye quite like a good marketing campaign, especially during difficult times like a lockdown. Washington Direct Mail has looked at which marketing campaigns the public loved during 2020 and ranked them in popularity. This was measured by looking at a mix of social interactions and brand mentions. In this article, we will show you some of the campaigns that the nation enjoyed and engaged with during the initial lockdown period.

ArticlesJanuary 20, 2021Industries Revolutionised by Smart Technologies

When we think about rapid developments in terms of wireless technology, we often automatically assume it’s in regard to telecommunications. However, with so many alternative industries taking advantage of the offerings that wireless technology and connectivity provides, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

ArticlesJanuary 19, 2021These European DeFi Companies Are Changing the Finance Industry

Europe, particularly the United Kingdom, has long been a center of fintech innovation. Neo-banks like Revolut and Transferwise have made it easier than ever for individuals to do business in multiple currencies. Electronic credit cards are even becoming the norm. This makes it natural that Europe has become the 3rd largest center of DeFi innovation after the US and Singapore.

ArticlesJanuary 19, 2021Meet the Businesses Leading the Way by Switching from Oil to Gas

Back in June 2019, the UK became the first country to pass a net zero emissions law, with a target set for bringing all greenhouse gases to net zero by 250. This pledge from the government has had a big impact on the way businesses work, inspiring many to introduce new ways of reducing their carbon footprint. For businesses operating off-grid, one of the options available to reduce carbon emissions is to switch to from oil to gas as a preferred energy supply.

ArticlesJanuary 18, 2021How Business can Successfully Move Production Back to Their Home Country

The vital steps involved in businesses moving production back to their home country have been outlined by top academics from BI Norwegian Business School and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). When a business moves the production of goods and services back to their home country, this is known as ‘backsourcing.’

ArticlesJanuary 15, 2021Nicole Junkermann on the Future of Broadcasting Services in Sport

The rise of technology has transformed the way we are consuming all forms of media, and the sports industry is no exception. A report from Drake Star Partners forecast that the global sports technology sector will reach $31.1billion by 2024.

ArticlesJanuary 15, 2021Early Brexit Chaos Just “tip of the iceberg” Says Cross-border Trade Specialist

Problems in the first few days since Brexit are the “tip of the iceberg”, according to cross-border eCommerce trade expert Hurricane Commerce.

ArticlesJanuary 14, 2021Remote Workers Pay: Should It Be Adjusted?

With the rise of employees working from home during the pandemic and the remote working trend likely to continue in the near future, many companies are contemplating a pay-cut to factor the changes to the employees work location.

ArticlesJanuary 14, 2021Changes to EU, Swiss and Northern Ireland Nationals Rights to live and work In the UK 2021

The 1st January 2021 sees the enforcement of restriction, as EU Citizen will not be allowed to use Article 10 or 20 residence card rights. This means EU Countries issuing Article 10 and 20 cannot use these cards in the UK if traveling to the UK if you are bringing a non-EU Family member or for your family to join an EU Citizen settled or settling in the UK.

ArticlesJanuary 13, 2021The Rise of the Data-Driven Economy is an Opportunity for Innovators in Europe

The rapid rise of the data-driven economy is an opportunity for innovative companies in Europe and around the world to lead the way to the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). Such activity could play a critical role in helping to rebuild global economies after the pandemic.

ArticlesJanuary 12, 2021Make Energy Your Greatest Business Asset

Over one-third of Brits feel that working from home again has caused them to be the most tired and lethargic they have ever been

ArticlesJanuary 11, 2021The European Countries That Have the Highest Rated National Parks

It is no secret that Europe is home to some of the most beautiful sites of protected nature in the world; from thick forests to glistening lakes, taking a walk in one of these European National Parks will give you the ultimate fresh air fix.


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