28th July 2021 • 4 min read

4 Ways Agriculture Can And Should Improve

The agriculture industry, like others, has faced a series of unprecedented changes in recent times. The struggle has been felt across the states, and the farmers and those working in food production have felt those pressures too.

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4 Ways Agriculture Can And Should Improve

The agriculture industry, like others, has faced a series of unprecedented changes in recent times. The struggle has been felt across the states, and the farmers and those working in food production have felt those pressures too.

Still, this does not mean that they should resign themselves to an oppressed state. On the contrary, the worst of the pandemic is hopefully over. Now is the perfect time for those in agriculture to reflect, take stock of their situation, and make some choice improvements to how they do things. But how can they go about doing this?

Here are four ways agriculture can and should improve in the near future.


Making Good Use of Funding

Improvements can only be spurred on by sufficient funding, and agriculture has received plenty of it due to its essential status in the throes of the pandemic. Therefore, none of this money is to be idly spent.

Last year food and agriculture attracted a record $22.3 billion in venture funding – which was twice as much raised compared to the year prior. The pandemic spurred investment directly, and while this type of funding is expected to slow down in the latter half of 2021, some believe that businesses in the sector will get through the next year of operations without raising any more.

The funding is being channeled into specific areas, too, such as alternative proteins and non-dairy milk. Sales of beef, poultry, and pork are also in decline among the millennial generation. In the end, these changes paint a clear picture and have done so for some time now.

Therefore, it could be prudent for agricultural entities to revaluate their goals to answer these growing demands. After all, consumer trends are evolving rapidly in modern times. The American public is more educated about where their goods come from and how their purchases either help or hinder the environment. For agricultural firms, utilizing their record-breaking funding by following consumer trends is the right direction to go in. 


Improving Worker’s Rights

While covid has fueled significant funding in agriculture, that does not necessarily mean all is well across the board. Areas of concern have materialized also.

All industries have been hit hard by the pandemic. However, last year CNN claimed that farmers faced their own set of challenges amidst the chaos, citing the lack of preparedness for a crisis in rural communities. Some farms lacked essential safety equipment for their workers, such as masks, disinfectants, and soap for the pandemic. PPE sorely lacked elsewhere also. Moreover, some agricultural staff failed to social distance, without the farms themselves enforcing any rules on the matter.

The coronavirus is hopefully in the process of irreversibly winding down. However, these issues highlight a significant lapse in worker’s rights and human rights in general. It could be that these issues arise from farmers hiring masses of undocumented migrants and thus wrongly caring little for their safety. When word of these problems becomes public, there are few things any firm could do, agricultural or otherwise, to rewind the clock or seek forgiveness. Worker safety must always be a priority irrespective of industry or status in the US.


Utilizing a Corn Calculator

Those working in agriculture should utilize every opportunity that comes their way, from record-breaking funding to dependable online tools.

For instance, the corn calculator for farmers is a highly resourceful asset. Provided by Avipel, those working in agriculture can find many assurances by clicking the link here; from potential investment returns to guidance on maximizing corn yield potential. Farmers should be working closely with Avipel to better their prospects and more fully understand their position and processes.

A resource such as this one can also be a comforting presence, suggesting ways for farmers to reach their fullest potential. After all, agriculture has faced uncertainty and instability during the pandemic also. It can grant farmers a competitive edge after so much turbulence, securing peace of mind with a few clicks of a button.


Exploring AI Opportunities

Crop yields are not only improved via online calculators but potentially by other technologies too. In recent times, AI has made waves in agriculture as well.

In 2019, Forbes noted that agriculture turned to AI to yield healthier crops, control pests, monitor soil and growing conditions, organize data for farmers, and more. Two years later, it no doubt occupies a central position for those in the industry today. Weather conditions, herbicide usage, and temperature can all be gauged in advance thanks to these innovations. As a result, harvest quality is improved, with no drawbacks to mention.  

To be in the industry without this technology is not just a mild setback. It can be a significantly crippling circumstance. By using AI, productivity is accelerated while the quality of a farmer’s work never wavers. While some people in agriculture may prefer the routine and traditional aspects of their roles, it is more important than ever to innovate alongside the rest of the world. Otherwise, they will fall behind to the detriment of themselves, their business, and their workers.

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