Refurbished appliances are pretty commonplace these days. You can find them on all kinds of websites and even in high-street shops. Refurbished appliances can be a great way of buying something that would normally be way out of your price range but it does come with some risks.
A refurbished appliance is by definition going to be a product that either was damaged or faulty in some way before being repaired. In most cases people will prefer to buy something than brand new rather than refurbished, won’t they?
However, let’s be honest if the refurb is done well will it really make much of a difference? So, let’s get right down to it should you buy a refurbished appliance? The answer is maybe! This is one of those questions without a clear answer it depends on a number of different factors.
According to advice from Repair Aid buying refurbished appliances does come with some risks but if you follow the tips below it is going to be a much safer process. So, if you are thinking about buying a refurbished appliance then read on to see what you need to know.
The Location
The location is essential when it comes to buying a refurbished appliance but in two very different ways. The first is where you actually buy it from like I said earlier you can buy refurbished appliances in many different places these days.
If you are thinking of buying a refurbished appliance make sure it is from a trustworthy and reliable location. Websites like Amazon, for example, the second matter in regards to location is where it is going to be placed.
Some people recommend getting refurbished appliances for low maintenance areas of your home. Places that won’t often be seen like your garage or basement for example, however depending on the condition of the appliance there is no harm to have a refurbished appliance out in the open either.
The Warranty
You will usually still get some form of safety warranty when buying a refurbished appliance. However, it likely won’t be as long as it would be on appliances you buy brand new. If your warranty is very short then it is usually recommended to not buy just to be safe.
A very short warranty or no warranty at all is usually going to be a sign of a poor-quality refurbishment. Even with decent length warranties you should still proceed with caution and make sure you read the terms of the warranty closely.
The Cost
The cost might seem like an odd thing to consider when buying a refurbished appliance after all won’t a refurbished appliance always be the cheaper option? Well while that will usually be the case I don’t think it’s fair to say it always will be. With technology always evolving new products can come out quite quickly and they can sometimes even be cheaper than a refurbished older model.
Shops/ websites can sometimes follow some very strange principles when pricing products and while it’s not exactly common buying a brand new appliance can sometimes be cheaper than buying a similar but older refurbished model.
Make sure you pay attention to the cost and look at all available options to make sure you are getting the best deal. You should also be wary of very cheap prices as well as it could mean the appliance is still in bad condition even after refurbishment.
Floor Models
While they might not technically be refurbished units floor models usually fall under the “refurbished appliances” umbrella and you should be on the lookout for them! These appliances will usually be a relatively good condition and they can have a very low price.
Display models will rarely go on sale but having a quick look around the internet will be sure to bring up some hits if you are lucky you might find some in high-street shops as well. Make sure you read the descriptions carefully though as floor models can still suffer damage.
Shop Around For Deals
Refurbished appliance really took off thanks to the internet and they are now relatively commonplace especially on big retail websites. You should always shop around if you are thinking of buying a refurbished appliance as there can be a huge range in prices.
One shop might charge a very high price while another could be much cheaper. Always compare prices on refurbished appliances and not just with each other compare them with new appliances still available as well.
If you are going to buy refurbished then buying online while convenient does mean you will have to rely on written descriptions and photos. Buying in person from an actual shop will allow you to inspect it and see whether it is worth the money.