New product features phishing Emergency Rooms for security incident response teams to identify and respond faster to email threats
KnowBe4, the provider of the world’s largest security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, today announced it has launched a new platform called PhishER that helps security teams analyse, prioritise and manage email that has been reported as suspect by employees. With PhishER, security teams can identify the most dangerous threats more quickly and efficiently. The platform also helps security teams quickly process the emails that were reported as suspicious but are actually legitimate and need to be processed by the employee.
“Security teams can spend hours, days, even weeks prioritising email messages that are reported to them,” said Stu Sjouwerman, CEO, KnowBe4. “PhishER automates the process, speeding it up immensely. This platform is a massive value-add to our current offerings and is a huge time-saver for security teams.
Phishing remains the most widely used cyber-attack vector. With the firehose of spam and malicious email that attacks networks, some 10 to 15 per cent of these threats make it past email filters. Organisations that have trained their users through new-school security awareness training—which includes simulated phishing tests—and have armed them with the free KnowBe4 Phish Alert Button can still run into problems accurately identifying a spam email versus a phishing email or other type of malicious email.
Many of those emails are reported by users to incident response teams and require review as quickly as possible. Since each message requires some level of analysis and possible human intervention to prioritise, organisations with limited incident response teams need a more simple and effective way to respond to and mitigate these reported messages.
With only approximately one in ten user-reported emails being verified as actually malicious in some form, it is important to handle the phishing attacks and threats—and just as important—effectively manage the other 90 per cent of user-reported messages accurately and efficiently.
Incident response orchestration can easily deliver immediate efficiencies to a security team. With the right strategy and planning, an organisation can build a fully orchestrated and intelligent SOC that can contend with today’s threats.